some thing you didn’t know you could do in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is filled with a ton of stuff to do and see and some of it well you’re just not gonna know about it lucky for you we’re here you’re welcome I say before we even get into the article today on game ranks some thing you didn’t know you could do in Hogwarts Legacy starting off with number 10 you can clear entire encounters super easily with just two spells uh now there’s obviously a lot of pretty good spell combos in Hogwarts Legacy right decent at least they’re all right they weren’t great they’re fine I wanted to start this list off with a bang though so instead of getting into the okay stuff let’s just talk about what’s easily the most overpowered Spell combination in the game like one that’s not just good it’s basically game breaking now you’re not able to get it till end of the game so it’s not like you can just act as a being of ultimate power right out of the gate but for this spell combo you gotta get two spells two talents unlocked for the Spells you need crucio and a the dark arts spells we’ve already explained that pretty extensively in videos though it’s gonna take a while to unlock these I’m not gonna lie

the last dark heart spell side quest becomes available literally two quests before the final quest like it’s the last Quest it’s two before that the two talents need to unlock really power up the spell combo though are crucial Mastery which has a level 16 requirement and makes it so the cursing anime causes a projectile to fly out and curse more enemies second is Avada cadaver Mastery which unlocks at level 22 and has a ridiculous property of making so when you kill an enemy with his spells it kills all the cursed enemies probably see where this is going that’s what makes it really overpowered all you gotta do is Spam Curcio at the start of a fight curse every enemy on screen then hit somebody hit anybody with Avada Kedavra and that is it they’re all dead battle over boom you never have to fight a real encounter again with this combo it works on everything including the toughest enemies like trolls but also people don’t love the people who have all the Dark Art spells popularity or power pick your poison a lot of peas in that sentence wow that was not intentional .

at number nine you can use revilio on a broomsticker mount to reveal stuff in a much wider area so the game Rings crew has played a fair amount of Hogwarts Legacy and we just now realized you could do this like obviously you’re spamming rebelio all the time when you’re wandering around but did you know that it works while you’re flying oh man is it better too when you’re flying uh compared to casting revealo on foot doing it on a broomstick or a mount reveals objects at a much greater distance also shows you all the icons you’ve already discovered so you don’t have to constantly swap back to the map and check to see if there’s landmarks nearby it’s simple but man is it nice in the open world .

at number eight you can wear the hood up uh this one took a little too long to realize uh it was maybe I don’t know it took a couple hours it seemed like everybody else figured this one out before me but uh yeah you can change the appearance of your gear whenever you want which was cool but I still didn’t realize one thing took me a while to see that there was another option for cloaks and robes it lets you change the hoods the literal first thing you see when starting the game on consoles is character in the hood so I thought it was a little weird that I couldn’t go around in a dang Hood but it was me I was the problem wasn’t the game I just didn’t notice so when you’re looking at your cloak robe in the gear tab go over to change appearance there’s actually a second option on the side right beside it for hood on off it’s that simple for any piece of clothing with with the hood attached you can select to wear it up or down that’s it that’s all it is it’s that simple so that’s another way to customize your character’s appearance and if you’re anything like me where I’m not sure if the blindness has taken over or the dementia no it’s just a simple switch .

and number seven you can turn off camera relative targeting in the settings and wow is that nice like this is a pretty essential one probably should have been left off by default targeting enemies can be a bit of a pain especially if they’re off screen um even if you turn to face an enemy if you’re not looking directly at them your wizard just won’t attack them if you’re using the default settings the reason targeting Works in this way is there’s a setting called camera relative targeting which is on by default uh normally the game selects targets if you’re looking at them now we’ve compared the combat to Batman a couple of times and for it really to shine in my opinion this can’t be set to default you make it so Hogwarts Legacy works like the Batman combat in that you don’t have to be looking at somebody to attack them so you go to settings press down to get to gameplay options most of these definitely leave them alone but turn off camera relative targeting it’s right above all the sensitivity settings so now your attacks hit enemies depending on movement rather than camera placement you can always turn up the camera sensitivity if you want to look around faster but that’s kind of fiddly in most cases I think camera relative targeting being off fixes a lot of people’s problems with the combat camera .

at number six you can use hopping stations to make potion crafting much easier so you may pass up on getting th hop and pop blueprint to tomes and Scrolls because the price tag is not low but if you find potion crafting tedious and don’t want to deal with crafting resources this is what you want to get the biggest hurdle to get over with this thing is the price tag it’s 3 000 gold for the blueprint but once you get it it’s basically an unlimited supply of Potions all you have to do is place them in the room of requirement they start generating a random potion in each pot you can build three total which is kind of a drag and the actual time it takes to create a position is fairly long uh 12 minutes per but if you buy the blueprint for this early in the game you’ll literally be collecting random potions non-stop a lot of assignments require you to have certain potions so if you build it early you’re gonna end up probably with everything you need for those assignments by the time they pop up and man is it a heck of lock better than spending money on overpriced potions and ingredients from vendors the only major issue here is that as far as I can tell you can’t actually remove a potion from the pot if you’ve maxed out on those potions so if you’re full of focus potions and the hopping pot creates that potion for you you gotta use it to get a new one which is kind of annoying but when these things start generating Thunder brew potions and invisibility potions stuff that requires annoyingly rare and expensive resources to get man it’s fantastic um there’s no reason not to have this it’s that simple it takes so much tedium out of the process .

at number five you don’t actually have to cast Wingardium Leviosa it’s simple but important when you finally learn it about halfway mark in the game it’s kind of just one more utility spell that fills up space good thing is game actually throws you bone and makes it so you don’t have to use the specific spell on objects that require it using the summoning charm is just as good uh if you hold down the button after casting a spell your character will automatically cast when guardium levios as well uh basically just an upgraded version of the former spell so it’s nice to the game makes it so you don’t need to equip two different spells that basically have the same function .

at number four NPCs actually move at the same speed you do another basic one but man is it nice to know in certain missions where you have to follow another character in most games they lock you in person in front of you walks and you also have to walk and it seems like this game is like that at first but if you ever take the time to click the Run button while you’re following somebody you’ll see that they’ll start running and wow yes put every single GIF of somebody standing up at an award show clapping right here the person you’re following will always stay a few steps ahead of you it’s so good it’s so good such a good development it should be in every game everybody you all have to patches now because in Hogwarts Legacy there are no more annoying Parts where you run way faster than the character you’re following and that character it’s often moving as slowly as possible I hate it this game you’re free to run and the NPCs keep up .

and number three you can melt the Snowman and this one’s I mean not like super important or anything but uh it’s fun when you reach uh winter you can find a few snowmen around because you know why wouldn’t there be it’s not like they have smartphones it’s like the 1800s right gotta do something to entertain yourself it’s not like at Hogwarts you have any you know automatically interesting things to do no I’m joking it’s good to do things like build snowmen it’s like part of one of the simple joys of being alive during the winter now what’s fun with Snowmen at a school with magic like I said is if you throw a snowball at them they’ll throw snowballs back they don’t actually hurt you but it’s kind of surprising that said you can also use a fire spell and melt them like they don’t go don’t melt me bro they full-on melt this game’s actually filled with a lot of weird little interactions like this but this was probably the favorite like look at it melt look at that like the wicked witch except for you did nothing at all to me oh it’s great .

and number two uh you can decorate the Great Hall with your house Banner uh speaking of funny interactions one of the easiest to miss in this whole game takes place during the quest the poly juice plot its plot involving multiple juices specifically the use of a potion to impersonate Headmaster black uh there’s actually a lot of unique dialogue in this Quest depending on what you’ve done previously in the game including a particularly nasty thing you can do if you decided to keep somebody’s diary moving on though those are all pretty easy to trigger there’s just characters that get in your way when you’re looking for Professor Black’s house elf scope you find the elf ear near the podium of the Great Hall and he’s so close to the thing it’s really easy to miss there’s actually a marker on the podium itself if you use it black will decree that thebanners of whatever house you belong toare going to hang in the Great Hall and it literally changes the great Hall’s banners for a while it doesn’t last forever but it’s a pretty detailed interaction for something that’s pretty easy to miss uh Hogwarts Legacy is actually full of this kind of stuff and it’s pretty endearing .

and finally at number one you can basically turn cheats on with the right combination of potions and talents yeah it’s not kill everything instantly powerful but hey we covered that already right this is a little tricky poll it’s still incredibly powerful and instead of it having the get overpowered spells it take a lot of the game and unlock you use this trick right after unlocking potions and you can do it as long as you’re high enough level to unlock the necessary talents like basically if you’ve ever wanted to recharge your spells like crazy while being Invincible get these two towns in the room of requirement tree uh the idurous potion potency which unlocks at level 5 and makes the duras turn your character Invincible while also making it so they deflect projectiles next Talent is focus potion potency unlocks at level 22 and it makes so the effect of the focus potion lasts longer when you cast different spells from the spell set if you use the talent right you can greatl increase the effect of the focus potion and have it last way longer so you’ll be flinging powerful spells like a total madman if you use a hopping pot to load up on these potions you’ll be tearing through battles in pretty much no time and it makes any encounter easier including stuff like the combat Arenas on hard difficulty like I said not quite as good as being able to just kill everything instantly but if you want a trick that makes combat easier that you actually can use before the end of the game this is the best option and that’s all for today .

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